Furbex, a Dog’s Life of Urban Exploration
Urbex, the modern underground passion for ‘urban exploration’, involves exploring the hidden labyrinthsand decaying chambers of disused buildings and abandoned urban spaces. In Furbex Ammonite Press presents you with two 21st Century adventurers, photographer Alice van Kempen and her Bull Terrier and best friend Claire, who together have visited ruined hotels and grand houses; crumbling castles and palaces; broken down and long-closed factories and prisons, forgotten theatres and cinemas. All haven fallen into disrepair; most still display the faded trappings and trampled luxuries of their glorious or inglorious pasts; and many have been spectacularly reclaimed by nature.

Bull Terriers in Action
A simply stunning work of photographs capturing the total joy and exuberance of being a bull terrier! Amazing colours, astounding action and precision photography show all the humour and enthusiasm for life of this breed to the full! “Looking at Alice’s photographs for this book my immediate response is “Wow!” And this is not just for one picture but for every single one!”
Sally Ann Thompson

Bull Terriers in the Netherlands
A unique Dutch manual about the Bull Terrier. Bull Terrier lover and canine photographer Alice van Kempen wrote this unique book about Bull Terriers in the Netherlands. A book with more than 400 photographs, some of which have never been published before. In addition to subjects such as development of the Bull Terriers, the history of the breed in the Netherlands, color inheritance, character and movement, the book contains a photographed breed standard. Here all virtues and faults are illustrated by means of photos. The champion parade contains photos, data and a three generation pedigree of each Bull Terrier who won the title Dutch Champion. The book contains 256 pages and it is bound in a hard cover. The book was published in 2005 by Painted Wolves Publishing, the book is no longer available.